Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Family System Play Ball - 970 Words

My Family System: Play Ball Everyone knows that in order to win a baseball game there has to be a good coach, right? A family system is a lot like a baseball team. In order to be successful, and to win in life, a family has to work together, and there must be a coach, someone to lead the team. How can the team be successful? In his article, Circumplex Model of Marital Family Systems, Olson says, (2000), â€Å"Family cohesion, flexibility and communication are the three dimensions in the Circumplex Model.† (pg. 144) So each team must be flexible, work together, be devoted to one another, and communicate in order to thrive. However, there are people who believe they know more than the coach. Let’s use the Bailey family team as our example. There has to be someone on the team that sets the rules and calls the plays. Let’s adopt the parents of the Bailey family as the coaches of the team. They set the rules and call the plays however, they can include the children [ players] in setting the rules. It is important to receive their input. The coach [parents] must realize that they have a lot of talent to draw from, they have the players [children], assistant coaches [extended family], and umpires [church leaders]. In order to flourish the coaches must use all of the team members, they must never assume that they can do it on their own. In the book, Exploring Family Theories, it says, â€Å"A family is much more than a collection of individuals who live together and are related to eachShow MoreRelatedThe Soccer Of A Soccer956 Words   |  4 Pagesseeing one. That changed when I moved to Fargo. I was born in Kenya and raised there. My family and I moved to the United State in 2008. We lived in Memphis, TN for a couple of months and we moved to Portland, Maine. I have passionate for the sport of soccer. 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